On a trip to South America Tony spent time in the Hidden Valley, Peru.  This picture is taken  with Vadal Ayala Sinchez (Grandfather Wisdom Keeper)  at Vidal's Spiritual Center in Olantayambo.    
Tony's Peru travels also included two four day trecks, the first on the Inca trail to Machu   Picchu and then to a seventeen thousand year old Solar Temple in the High Andes.
With a down to earth approach toward change and success he emphases that change is simple, its just not easy! Its 1% theory and 99% practice which means each of us “has to do our work” to grow into our full self.

Tony is resolute in his own journey and is a compassionate mentor to others who are looking to become the best version of themselves. He is committed to helping individuals understand, explore and express themselves from the authentic core of their being, to experience more contentment, fulfilment, confidence and personal power in their life. ​
A father of four and an entrepreneur for over twenty years, Tony has lived the challenges and rewards of raising a family and pursuing a career.

He draws on his challenging life experiences, trainings as a Psychosomatic Teacher, Yoga Instructor, Spiritual Psychotherapist, and Body∞Mind Therapist to help guide others into a place of deeper self awareness. Tony has been coaching and training individuals/groups for many years on the effect the body has on the mind and practical ways to use your body to change your mind.
Tony is accredited as a Yoga Teacher, Body∞Mind Therapist, Psychosomatic Teacher, Spiritual Psychotherapist
Tony hiking with his son and youngest daughter on the west coast of Newfoundland, Sept. 2015
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a practical process for growth and " SELF " development
  Your      Self